Shree Ambabai Talim Sanstha, Miraj.
Welcome to Shree Ambabai Talim Sanstha's Diploma in Pharmacy College, Miraj. Over the years, we have been able to maintain an excellent standard of education with the co-operation of our skilled faculty and they enabled the students to emerge out with flying colours. In an endeavour to deliver quality education, we emphasize on the need to establish a one to one contact with each and every student & be attentive towards the path of his/her success. Shree Ambabai Talim Sanstha's Diploma in Pharmacy College, Miraj students always involve in creative work & they are dynamic, enthusiastic.
Discovering new concept, construct & making it feasible to implement in real world is a crucial task. Technical education is, in effect, a nation's service. At Shree Ambabai Talim Sanstha's Diploma in Pharmacy College, Miraj, we believe only a well-disciplined, value-added student to become the high-profiled professionals who can achieve the avowed objective of our formed Honourable Abdul Kalam, to make our country a "SUPER POWER".